Monday, December 11, 2017

115 Children Abudcted

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, over 800,000 children are reported missing every year in the United States alone.  

Of that number, over 9,000 are stranger abductions averaging about 115 children being abducted 
by a stranger per day. . . 115 STRANGER ABDUCTIONS PER DAY.

If we walked into an elementary school while the children were lining up in the hallway for lunch, we'd have to wait for 4 to 5 classrooms of students to empty into the hallway to see that number of children in front of us.  

Just let that soak in for a minute.  

Keep in mind, that's just one day

Many of these go unsolved for years and some forever. 

Because I believe awareness is so important in these cases I'll be presenting at least one new missing child case each week.  If you have an interest in these cases, please follow.

Thanks for reading! 
