Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Earl Kimrey Charged for Murder of Mariah Woods - Autopsy Results - Cause of Death

The Onslow County Sheriff's Dept. released a statement, detailing the events surrounding the death of Mariah Woods stating, the cause of death was Chloroform Toxicity.  They also stated Earl Kimrey has been charged with the murder of Mariah Woods.

As of today no charges have been made against the mother of Mariah Woods, Kristy Woods.


A colorless, sweet smelling, dense liquid that is used in making Teflon and Refrigerants, Chloroform is produced by heating a mixture of Chlorine and Chloromethane or Methane. 

Knowing this is an anesthetic, my first instinct was to question why a family would even have Chloroform in their home.  

Then I remembered this was a meth home.  

Doing the research, I learned something else I really didn't care to know today.  

Chloroform is used in Meth Recipes. 

So, why did he give Chloroform to Mariah? 

What was happening to her while she was under the influence of this sleep inducing drug?  

The statement from the Sheriff's Department also did not answer one other burning question, what was the date of death for 
Mariah Woods?  

Read More about Mariah Woods Below: